If you would like to organize your study abroad yourself as a “freemover”, the following information should be of help:
- Draw up a checklist of everything to be done
An overview of all the preparatory steps you need to take if you are going to study abroad can be found here:
2. Inform yourself about your country of destination
Good sources of information here are our Country Information for Outgoers and the Key facts from the DAAD: (German) and (German)
- Check your options for financing your studying abroad as a freemover
Information on the financing of your study abroad can be found here or: (German)
Check the possibility of getting financial support through Auslands-BAföG! (German)
- Make sure you are adequately insured abroad
Check the following in particular :
- Health Insurance
- Accident Insurance
- Third-party liability insurance
- Advice from the person responsible for accreditation
You can have your achievements obtained during your study abroad accredited. The person responsible for the accreditation of study abroad achievements is the accreditation appointee of the School of Business and Economics. Please discuss with them your plans for your study abroad before commencing your studies abroad in order to inform yourself of what you should be mindful of when selecting your courses abroad.
For further information:
- Check Leave of Absence
You can apply for leave of absence for your study abroad semester. The advantage is: a semester on leave of absence does not count as a semester in your degree studies. The disadvantage: If you are on leave of absence you are not allowed to sit any examinations (apart from resits) at FAU. You can and should, of course, sit exams abroad and obtain your study achievements abroad.
You can apply for a leave of absence semester at the Student Record Office up to the start of lectures in your leave of absence semester:
Examinations at FAU which students fail to pass have to be resat at the nearest possible date. This must be strictly adhered to independent of whether one has a leave of absence semester or is abroad. If you wish to postpone the set date of the until after your stay abroad, you must take the initiative yourself and actively attempt to arrange the postponement of the exam date with the Examinations Office.
- Don’t forget to re-register
You have to remain matriculated at FAU whilst you are on your study abroad. Therefore, don’t forget to re-register!
The dates are listed here:
Reports of Freemovers’ Experiences:
- Australia UNSW Sydney WS24/25
- Australia Queensland University of Technology SS24
- Australia Melbourne RMIT University SS23
- Australia Edith Cowan University SS23
- Australia Griffith University WS22/23
- Australia Southern Cross University WS22/23
- Australia UNSW Sydney WS22/23
- Australia Melbourne RMIT University SS15
- Canada Université Laval WS22/23
- Canada Université Laval WS22/23
- Canada Saint Mary’s University
- Canada Winnipeg WS11/12 (Youtube Video:
- Canada Winnipeg WS15/16 Blog
- Croatia University of Zagreb WS 22/23
- Czechia CEBEX Summer School SS22
- France Internship SS17 at Franco-German Youth Office
- France Toulouse Internship SS11
- Great Britain King’s College London WS22/23
- Hungary Budapest University of Technology and Economics SS17
- Indonesia Udayana University SS23
- Italy Universtità degli studi di Palermo SS16
- Malaysia Universiti Putra Malaysia WS22/23
- Portugal Nova School of Business and Economics WS 22/23
- Portugal Nova School of Business and Economics WS24/25
- Scotland University of Glasgow WS22/23
- Sweden Umeå WS 21/22
- Switzerland Lugano SS22
- Singapur_James Cook University SoSe22
- Slovenia Ljubljana SS17
- Spain Autonome Universtität Barcelona WS22/23
- Spain Autonome Universtität Barcelona SS22
- Spain A Coruña Universidade da Coruña WS15/16
- Spain Universitat de les Illes Balears, Palma SS17
- South Korea Inha University WS21/22
- South Korea Seoul HUFS WS21/22
- South Korea Chungnam National University SS22
- South Korea Konkuk University Seoul SS22
- South Korea Seoul HUFS SS23
- South Korea Seoul HUFS SS22
- South Korea University of Seoul WS23/24
- South Korea Seoul HUFS WS23/24
- South Korea University of Seoul SoSe24
- Thailand Prince of Songkla University WS24/25
- Thailand Kasetsart University WS23/24
- Thailand Kasetsart University WS23/24
- Turkey Istanbul Bilgi University WS16/17
- USA Columbia University WS 21/22
- USA Minnesota State University, Mankato WS 22/23
- USA San Diego State Uni. SS11
- USA San Diego State Uni. WS2011/12
- USA San Diego State Uni. WS2021/22
- USA San Diego State Uni. WS 22/23
- USA San Diego State Uni. WS24/25
- USA San Francisco State Uni. SS 22
- USA San Francisco State Uni. WS 22/23
- USA University of California Santa Barbara SS 22
- USA University of California Santa Barbara_SS 22
Reports about former partner universities:
Aarhus University, Aarhus Business School:
Report 22
Report 17/18 (email contact)
Report 16/17 (email contact)
Report 16/17
Report 16 (email contact)
University of Southern Denmark, Odense:
Report 22
Report 16/17 (email contact)
Report 16/17
Report 16/17
Aalborg Universitet:
Syddansk Universitet:
Breslau (Wrocław):
University College Cork:
Report 22/23
Report 16/17 (email contact)
Report 16/17 (email contact)
Report 16/17 (email contact)
Report 16/17
Report 16/17
Report 16/17
The Netherlands:
University of Groningen, Faculty of Economics and Business:
Report 22
Report 16/17 (email contact)
Report 16/17
Report 16/17
Jönköping International Business School (JIBS):
Report 16 (email contact)
University of Alberta, Edmonton:
Minnesota State University, Mankato:
Report 17/18 (email contact)
Report 16/17
Report 16/17
Report 16/17