Generally speaking, under the terms of the cooperation contract, exchange students at the respective partner universities are exempted from all tuition fees. Exceptions to this rule are primarily in anglophone areas. Check with your programme coordinator for up to date information.
There is a really wide range of organisations etc. which offer financial support for studying abroad!
You’ll find FAU’s own financial support here (German)
Check for information on the City of Nürnberg scholarships here (German)
Please sort out your finances in good time!
There’s good news for students who receive BAföG at home or who are just over the income limit: BAfög for Studying Abroad will in these cases cover the required tuition fees (up to ca. €5,600 per academic year), travel costs (500-1000€), and, where appropriate, an additional amount for medical insurance as well as a foreign allowance if you opt to study outside the EU. This amount varies depending on the country (at present between € 50 and € 450 monthly).
Individual financial support is available from quite a number of sources: DAAD, Fulbright, CDG, Bildungskredit, etc.
As there are so many varied opportunities and criteria for qualifying for these, our advice is:
The opportunities for financial aid are good if you want to study in non-English speaking countries or outside the European area. is a very helpful website with a great overview.