Author: Lea Ebitsch

Information events about studying abroad are not yet planned for the summer semester 2020, but there will be some online lectures/ zoom meetings on the part of RIA Erlangen. Here you can find information about earlier general presentations:

Students who want to study at a partner university in the USA in 2020/2021 can apply for travel grants at Fulbright Germany until January 15, 2020. The scholarship benefits include 2000 Euro, the participation in the Berlin Seminar (21-25 March 2020) and the inclusion in the network of Fulbright...

last update: 4.11.2019 new partner institutions from winter term 19/20 on: for Business Education students (BA/ MA) Atlanta, USA (Oesterreicher) Universidad Pablo de Olavide de Sevilla, ESP (Oesterreicher) new program coordinator: IULM Milano Holtbrügge instead of Holtz-Bacha/ Meier ...

Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg