application for studying abroad – until 10.12.

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Here is the link to to application form


The application deadline for 2021/22 is 10 December 2020, 12.00

The application folders can be handed in:

  • in person at the office LG 2.232
  • Delivery at the WiSo post office
  • Shipping by mail to our address, Lange Gasse 20
  • or: in justified exceptional cases electronically as a pdf-dossier (if you are in quarantaine or abroad)

From January 2021, selection interviews will be held with the respective programme managers. Please contact them directly if you have any questions about invitations/dates.
Depending on the current situation, the interviews will take place in person or virtually.

The remaining places will be advertised again from mid-March.




Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg