Praktika & Summer Schools

  Auch im kommenden Jahr 2017 bietet die Universität in Linköping wieder eine Sommer-Akademie an. Die Akademie bietet internationalen Studenten bzw. Studentinnen für ein Monat die Möglichkeit, qualitative Kurse zu besuchen. Alle Informationen findet Ihr auf der Internetseite der Universi...

Die SinoJobs Career Days finden dieses Jahr zum 6. Mal statt. In Düsseldorf am 09.November 2016 und in München am 11.November 2016 Der Fokus der Messe liegt dabei auf dem chinesischen Markt. Hier noch das Poster zur Messe.  

We are pleased to inform you that the 17th Ljubljana Summer School Take the Best from East and West will take place from 4 July to 22 July 2016 at the Faculty of Economics, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia. We kindly ask you to pass this information on to students interested in learning, earning E...

We are pleased to introduce you our 2016 Summer Programme which will take place from Tuesday 14 June 2016 to Friday 24 June 2016. This Summer Program offers 10 days intensive academic and professional courses taught in English by a team of multicultural professors with CSR expertise from Rennes S...

On behalf of Bridge Education Abroad Institute (BEAI), I am writing to you today to inform you about our summer programs in South Africa. Our institute plans short programs all across the world, to provide students with unique opportunities to experience different political cultures while strengthen...

Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg