Introductory program for international students summer term 2025
We welcome all new incoming students from our partner universities in Nuremberg for our introductory course „Study & Life in Nuremberg“ in summer term 2025.
Helpful videos from S-Int concerning the first steps at FAU:
Faculty Day Nürnberg 9.4.
Lange Gasse 20, 90403 Nuremberg, Room 0.424 (The room number may change)
During this course we offer:
– orientation, hints, advices about studying and living in Nuremberg
– FAQ about course choice, facilities, accomodation
– banking account, health ensurance, enrolment
– cultural and leisure activities, buddy programme
and much more…
All incoming students will also be informed via email about the programme and their personal buddy.
For a first impression of Nürnberg, watch this:
Documents for the first days after you arrive:
- ToDo-List after arriving
- Important information and links
- Form for the registration at the Residents‘ Registration Office
- Housing provider confirmation
- Confirmation of stay
- Application to open a current account
- Information Sheet: Transcript of Records
- Bicycles (used & new)
Interesting flyers about the faculty:
- Welcome. Living in Germany. Studying at FAU.
- FAU – Online services
- Important websites for your studies (Thanks to the WiSo-FSI for creating the document)
- The School of Business and Economics – At a glance
- The School of Business and Economics – Shape your future
- The School of Business and Economics – Bachelor courses
- The School of Business and Economics – Master courses
- University Library Erlangen – Nuremberg
- Regional Computing Center Erlangen (RRZE)
- Werksweiser (Information about the services and offers from the Studentenwerk Erlangen-Nürnberg)
Interesting websites about the City: